Wednesday 10 December 2014

Artists' Alley- Tips

 If you're going to have a table at an Artists' Alley, I'll leave here my two cents on what and how to do it.

 Since I got the basics from reading other posts, here are the sites I went to, to get myself prepared:

I reccomend:

-get everything ready one or two days before! This will allow you to have enough time to solve last minute emergencies and remember other things you might want to bring with you;

-learn from the pros. When I went to Comic-Con, I was among professional artists and I couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated at first. But I figured the only thing I could do about it, was learn from them. And you know what? I did. They are the "stars" for a reason;

-get contacts! If you see an artist that has work you like, go talk to them and get to know them. Ask what they're working on, where is their art influenced from, how did they learn to draw and/or paint, etc...  and get their e-mail, blog, phone, whatever! Get a way to talk to them again...who knows, you might want to make a project together!

-take a break. Seriously, breathe. Getting anxious and stressed will not make your work better nor faster. If you already have a lot of commissions to make, close them or tell your costumers to come back later. You can even suggest them to order your work online;

-bring business cards. A lot of them. And glue. Believe me, you'll need it;

-keep hydrated!

-be nice and polite to your costumers. Take time to explain them your work and talk with them. Ask how they are enjoying the fair, what kinds of work they prefer, etc;

-while you're at your table, work. People like to see the artwork appear and how it was done. They need a proof that what you're selling was really made by you, and the best way to show them that, is by working.

-put prices on your works. There are people who would like to know the price of a certain artwork, but might not really feel like asking. If you have the prices on everything, they'll probably try to negotiate with you, at least;

-be prepared to repeat things a lot. Even if you have the prices on your products, a text explaining how to order commisisions at your table and every single information written, people will still ask you all of these things. Why? Because they need a confirmation;

-don't take yourself too seriously. What I mean with this is to have realistic expectations. Of course you may sold out and get a million dollars on the first day. You can even grow a pair of wings! It's just that it's a bit unlikely...

-last but not least: relax and have fun! Sure, you're there to show your art and work, but conventions are wonderful events and you should take your time to see the fair you're in :3

If there's anything else you'd like to know, just comment below :D

Take care!

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