Sunday, 7 February 2021

I've been trying mixing traditional media with digital media, so here are some of the most recent results :) (Loved Fugou Keiji omgomgomg!)

Tbh, for a long time I thought painting digitally was boring. Why?
There're these magic things that happen while painting traditionally that I can't replicate digitally, no matter what I try - and that is - unplanned textures, blotches, tones and colours! The results feel much more interesting (at least to me anyways) when these things are in the mix.

What's great about digital art tho, is the amount of editing we can do. Which is why, I think I'll mix traditional and digital more often from now on.

I was actually really looking forward to get back to conventions last year, but then that happened. And this year isn't looking any different ._. Guess we'll just have to wait until then...
Hope you're safe and healthy!

P.S.: My insta account changed a while back, I'm here now.