Saturday, 17 August 2013

WIP 2- School Notebook Cover

 Here's the continuation of the work's progress :)
 I know, it looks boring. Reaaaallyy boring. But, these are just the base colours. I still have to do the shadows and highlights and whatever comes to my mind :)
 To do this, I just used watercolour. Colour pencils will be used later, to add details.
 And I just noticed I didn't paint the cats's collars -_-
 I'll post the first part of the shadows process by tomorrow :D

Friday, 16 August 2013

WIP- School Notebook Cover

 All right!
 I just traced the sketch onto watercolour paper. This will be the lineart! :D
 Now that the drawing is clean, I can start painting it. Yay!
 Most of the details will be added with paint. I didn't want to draw them all, so it'll get a more realistic look afterwards (hopefully).
 I'll probably post this with the base colours, tomorrow.

Take care! :D