Sunday 29 December 2013

Work in Progress

 Here's another sketch!
 I've traced it onto watercolour paper, and I'll be posting the first part of the painting process soon.
Still have to figure out what colours I'll use ^^;

Friday 27 December 2013

Random Sketch


Here's a sketch! It's nothing too complicated, since I have an exposition soon, and have to come up with something to show ^^
Christmas holidays finally started, so I have some time to draw. Gee...I haven't submitted anything for the blog since October!
I have a bunch of drawings on my sketch book that I'll upload this week :)

Sunday 13 October 2013

Sketch Dump!

 Hey everyone! :D
 It has been almost a month since I last uploaded something... sorry ^_^; I've been busy with school work.
 I have to do this thing to Drawing class called a "graphic diary", where we have to draw something, every day. So here's a little bit of my graphic diary :)
 Yesterday, I went to Iberanime (it's an anime convention), cosplaying as Maka from "Soul Eater". That's why there's a scythe among all of these sketches (Maka uses a scythe).
 The convention was great! I really loved going there. There were so many people with awesome cosplays, and japanese products I had never seen before, and new videogames... maybe I'll upload some photos :3

P.S.:This week, I was invited to make an exposition with my works :D I'm so happy!
 It'll be next year.

Sunday 15 September 2013

League of Legends Ashe- Finished Work's the coloured version of the sketch :D
 I used soft pastels and colour pencils for this. This time, instead of using white paper, I used textured brownish-grey paper. Which makes a huge difference while painting!
 When something's being painted on white paper, there "has" to be some blank space (with no colour) to add light to the painting. But, when a dark coloured paper is used, instead of leaving space for light, you have to leave space for shadow. It seems obvious (and it is), but for someone who's used to paint on white paper, this was a little difficult.
 I'm not particularly proud of this work, but I guess it's not so bad considering it was the first time I used dark-coloured paper. :)

 I'm still working on that "Pegasus" drawing. I've put the base colours, and now I'm adding shadow and light (with Paint Tool SAI). I'll edit it with Photoshop (I've downloaded a ton of cool brushes I can't wait to try :D)
 It'll take a while to complete, though. Maybe a month. Or two...
 I hope it turns out to be good :)

Take care! :D

League of Legends Ashe- Sketch

 Hey, everyone!
 I made this sketch a few months ago (before Morgana's). I hadn't posted it before, because I was always forgetting it.
 I love to play League of Legends. I use Ashe a lot, but I play mostly with support characters, such as Soraka or Kayle.
 Yesterday, I made my very last game, before school starts. It'll start soon, and I'll be busy studying and doing homework and whatnot... I think I'll only have time to play next year :/
 That also means I won't be posting my work as regularly as I've been doing this past few months (even though I haven't posted a thing for a month or so... sorry for that :$).
 My next post will be the coloured version of this drawing :)

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Pegasus- Rough Sketch

 Here's another sketch. This one took me 4 days to complete.
 Thank goodness I still have that Barbie pegasus I got as a present for Christmas when I was little.
 I like to take references from 3D models, instead of images. It's better for practice :)
 This sketch has 2 leaves of paper, because I started to sketch the pegasus without caring much about its size, and when I finished it, I didn't feel much like drawing it all over again, just to reduce the size.
 So why not just add more paper?
 I made a very soft background, with pencils. That's why it's not really comprehensible in the photo.
 I'm going to paint this digitally, with SAI and Photoshop. :)

 Some musics I listened while doing this:

-Cee Lo Green- Forget You (actually, I listen to the other version :P)

 Take care! :D

Thursday 22 August 2013

Rough Sketch- Phoenix

 The other day, I was browsing through deviantArt to get inspired. But, that didn't really work, so instead, I went to talk to one of my best friends, who said was doing a research on mythology, and that his favourite creature was the phoenix. And that gave me the idea to do this.
 It's not a drawing yet. It's an attempt. I think I'll erase the guy from the phoenix's back.

P.S.: I gave up on painting Morgana. It didn't come out right.

Sunday 18 August 2013

Finished Work- Notebook Cover

 Finally! I have a cover for one of my notebooks! Yay!
 I finished this faster than what I expected. Well, good. 'Cause now, I can start another project for a cover :D I still have to paint Morgana, though...
 I think I've improved a little since my last watercolour. You can check it out here, in my deviantArt account :) It's not perfect, but I think it's not that bad, either.
 Let me know your opinion! :D

Saturday 17 August 2013

WIP 2- School Notebook Cover

 Here's the continuation of the work's progress :)
 I know, it looks boring. Reaaaallyy boring. But, these are just the base colours. I still have to do the shadows and highlights and whatever comes to my mind :)
 To do this, I just used watercolour. Colour pencils will be used later, to add details.
 And I just noticed I didn't paint the cats's collars -_-
 I'll post the first part of the shadows process by tomorrow :D

Friday 16 August 2013

WIP- School Notebook Cover

 All right!
 I just traced the sketch onto watercolour paper. This will be the lineart! :D
 Now that the drawing is clean, I can start painting it. Yay!
 Most of the details will be added with paint. I didn't want to draw them all, so it'll get a more realistic look afterwards (hopefully).
 I'll probably post this with the base colours, tomorrow.

Take care! :D